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Traditional Chinese medicine culture is a treasure of Chinese civilization for thousands of years, and has made indelible contributions to the development of China and even the world. Traditional Chinese medicine culture is an important embodiment of China's cultural soft power. In the new era, we should let the excellent traditional Chinese medicine culture shine. In order to revive and inherit the millennium culture of traditional Chinese medicine and respond to the national "healthy China" strategy, we specially report some outstanding figures who have made outstanding contributions to the protection of people's health in the development of health undertakings. In the great trend of the revival of traditional Chinese medicine, Mr.Chen Hailin, —— of contemporary Chinese medicine, stays true to the original aspiration, forge ahead, carries forward the patriotic spirit, opens up a new world for the development of traditional Chinese medicine, and shows the unique style of great health scientists in the new era.



Chen Hailin, president of Liyuan International Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Beijing, has excellent medical skills and devoted his life to the cause of traditional Chinese medicine. He has established a good reputation in the eyes of patients and cured patients all over the country. To conquer all kinds of cancer is a life belief that has always supported him in moving forward. No matter how your life stages change, your faith is consistent.




Chen Hailin was born in August 1955 to a family of intellectuals in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. His father studied physics at Beijing Furen University in his early years. In 1957, both parents became Rightists. The parents sent the young Chen Hailin to the countryside of Shanxi Province. The adoptive father was a farmer who worked hard all his life, mainly in farming. He was a typical Chinese farmer who had no children. He treated Chen Hailin as his own child. The young Chen Hailin grew up under the care of his adoptive father. Until he was 18 years old, his biological parents would take Chen Hailin back to Hangzhou to live in the city after his rehabilitation. Chen Hailin wanted to take his adoptive father back to the city, but for some reason the adoptive father refused. On the one hand, they are facing their biological parents, and on the other hand, they are facing their adoptive father who has nurtured them for more than ten years.


在这样的难抉择的时候,陈海林毅然决然选择了留在乡村,照顾养父,多么重情重义的人!就因此并奠定了陈海林不平凡的一生。高中毕业后第二年经村委决定,陈海林学生进村卫生所工作。随即参加公社卫生院本县人民医院的中长期培训学习临床知识,各科室的轮换培训实习,经各项学习合格后回村卫生所,又开始在名老医生,远方伯父的带领下,开始学针灸,认中药背汤头,识别中药真假伪劣及加工炮制,当时条件有限,抽时间卫生所为了节约开支,自供自节,种药材,伯父,老药农经常上山采药材,认药识别野生药的药名,在前辈们亲切关怀教育下陈海林学生学到了很多书本上没有而在现实常常遇到实 践知识,经过一年二年的周而复始的平凡生活,使他锻炼成没有一点多余时间,觉得越充实越努力越想干,他经常陪伯父到家里为患者看病:一是伯父年迈七十五六岁,大他五十多岁,二是跟伯父到病人家看病的诊断,观察,望神看舌苔到把脉,问诊,总之一种病足足得一个小时才能完成一个病情的治疗方案,原来陈海林学生有些惆怅,做事稳重。经过几年在伯父的亲手带领下,愈发成熟多了,慢慢来,细细观察症侯,得出一个结论:再查需要那种药,老医生教学生时,总时要他认识五百至八百味中药的每味中药的药怅,归经,广产地,主治,配方,禁忌,如何主方。伯父讲到处方随时调配,因人因时因病而异,各有千差万别。几年过去了,因国家政策有发动,伯父因家庭成份仍北京文化革命初被迁送回原籍,返次又复职又重返北京。几年来陈海林学生在伯父的身边的学习收获无法用语言来表达。

In such a difficult choice, Chen Hailin resolutely chose to stay in the countryside, to take care of the adoptive father, how heavy feelings and heavy righteousness of the people! Therefore and laid Chen Hailin extraordinary life. In the second year after graduation from high school, the village committee decided on Chen Hailin to work in the village health center. Immediately participate in the medium-and long-term training of the county people's hospital to learn clinical knowledge, Rotation training and practice of each department, After passing the study back to the village health center, And then, in the old doctor, Under the leadership of my distant uncle, Start learning about acupuncture, Traditional Chinese medicine back soup head, Identify the real and fake and processed traditional Chinese medicine, Conditions were limited at that time, Take the time to save money, Self-from section, Of medicinal materials, father's elder brother, Old medicine farmers often go up to the mountain to pick medicinal herbs, Identification the name of the wild drug, Under the kind care and education of predecessors, Chen Hailin students learned a lot of books but often encountered practical knowledge in reality, After a year and two years of endless and endless ordinary life, Make him have a little extra time to exercise, I feel that the more I work hard, the more I want to do it, He often accompanied his uncle to see patients: his uncle was seventy-six years old, Over fifty years older than him, The second is the diagnosis of visiting a patient's home with my uncle, observe, Watch the tongue coating to feel the pulse, inquiry, In short, it takes an hour to treat a disease, Originally Chen Hailin student some melancholy, Work is steady. After several years under the guidance of my uncle, more and more mature, slowly, carefully observe the disease, come to a conclusion: to check the need for that medicine, the old doctor taught students, he always had to know 500 to 800 Chinese medicine, medicine, wide origin, indications, formula, taboo, how to master. Uncle said that the prescription at any time, according to the time and disease, each vary. A few years passed, due to the launch of national policies, my uncle was still moved back to his home place at the beginning of the cultural revolution in Beijing because of his family composition, and returned to work and returned to Beijing. Over the past few years, Chen Hailin's learning achievements in his uncle's side cannot be expressed in words.



When Chen Hailin was 18 years old, Chen Hailin witnessed the death of a very close neighbor because of cancer, which had a great impact on Chen Hailin's mind. One morning, Chen Hailin took a walk on a nearby mountain and observed the sky, and the dark clouds in the sky disappeared in the sun and finally disappeared into normal white clouds. At this time Chen Hailin is thinking, cancer cells can also be gasification in the human body, reverse it into normal physiological cells. At this point, Chen Hailin embarked on the road of traditional Chinese medicine against cancer.



And get the high attention and recognition of the international community! For the number of tumor cells in the human body can be reversed into normal physiological cells, to lay a solid foundation!



This is the latest video browsing record of 17 billion.


It is not expected to be completed until later in October. Next, there may be a full version, human origin to the progress of modern science and technology and facing the future trend and trend of cancer, to welcome the future of new ideas and new technologies in the field of cancer in human medicine.


The world's first case of new coronavirus disease was cured


Novel coronavirus has ravaged the world, making people deeply feel the impact of the epidemic, and also making people have a deeper understanding of the meaning of life. Whether individuals or countries, we should learn from it and cherish and care for every life more in our future life.


The hearts of the people protect the country


At first, nobody cared about the disaster.


It is just a flu, a virus, a game revenge, a city closure, until the disaster is related to everyone.



This is the report of the first batch of critically ill COVID-19 patients in Wuhan in 2o20: after 140 days of traditional Chinese medicine, the treatment was finally successful. After the examination of Hubei Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, there were no abnormalities in both lungs. Two years later, the patient traveled north and south, whether wind and rain, or midsummer Wuhan, through spring, summer, autumn and winter, did not destroy the critical COVID-19 patient. Because to root tracing treatment, we have a new understanding of the symptoms of COVID-19. Therefore, I was awarded the honor of "World Fight against COVID-19: an international fight against the epidemic".


Teacher Chen Hailin has mastered the radical treatment of COVID-19.


This patient, (military doctor), 73 years old, went to the seafood market before 2020, was admitted to the hospital with a cold the next day, and was diagnosed with COVID-19 on the fifth day. On the seventh day of the critical respiratory department, immediately: anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, anti-immune drug, tried every means, can only have a breath, in an extremely difficult moment. He chose traditional Chinese medicine and achieved lifelong success. For more than two years, no matter how wrong he was in these two years, he has still enjoyed his old age healthily without taking medicine!


Now he and his wife to participate in the university for the elderly, to participate in the Wuhan geriatric art group, singing and dancing, smiling to meet the dawn, singing and the sunset!



























The patient was infected at the early stage of COVID-19 and found Chen Hailin to use traditional Chinese medicine for final treatment. He was successfully cured in just a few months, bringing the hope to the patient and a model for the people. After his cure, he won world recognition and international achievements in the fight against the epidemic.


Mr.Chen Hailin has always been adhering to the principle of morality, not for the purpose of profit, and is willing to devote what he has learned for decades to the society and make a contribution to carry forward the traditional Chinese medicine culture. Mr.Chen Hailin believes that it is his greatest wish to relieve the pain of those in need. Health is the main symbol of a rich country and a strong people. Grassroots doctors are the basic force to build the "national health", and are the health "gatekeeper" of the grass-roots people. They are not only proficient in the use of traditional Chinese medicine and carry forward breakthroughs, but also famous doctors, with detailed cases convincing, writing one miracle after another. Mr.Chen Hailin, from an ordinary doctor, has become the backbone of TCM. He " noble medical ethics, superb medical skills, brave to explore, unremitting pursuit on the road of medical scientific research; constantly innovates and develops new technological achievements with responsibility and responsibility, and escorts people's life and health with actions.


Mr.Chen Hailin has made outstanding achievements in curing all kinds of dangerous diseases and difficult diseases. He can be called a famous doctor in the world.


The critical patient of COVID-19 was completely cured under the treatment of Mr.Chen, which is the first case in the world and has opened up an unprecedented human myth. COVID-19 has taken too many lives, and critically ill patients have no chance of survival. Teacher Chen is really Hua Tuo, and the magic doctor reappears.